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2025 Diaries + Calendars now available! Don't miss out - shop here!


'Megaflora' by Miss Moresby!

Hello colour lovers - you are going to LOVE this one! We are so excited to welcome you to Miss Moresby's exhibition 'Megaflora'! The artist behind the easel, Sarah Rowe, has worked tirelessly to create this smorgasboard of colour and pattern! We hope you love this as much as we do xxx

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We love Liam Murphy!

Liam is one of those quirky characters that you immediately want to be mates with. Besides his killer wit, Liam is also an amazingly talented artists and one of our favourite Jumbled Art Collective members. We pinned Liam down recently between painting and cutting up apples for his kids to chat about life, art and when he is at his happiest. Continue reading

Kezz Brett | A Jumbled Fave

If you’re anything like us, seeing a Kezz Brett artwork sparks a hell of a lot of joy with her pops of bold colour and detailed imagery. Before she ran back out the door we thought it’d be nice to chat with her about where she draws inspiration, and why naming her pieces is as important as the design itself. Continue reading

Artist - Antoinette Murray

I recently met Antoinette down in Melbourne and was blown away by all of her gorgeous art....and not to mention how LOVELY she is! We are so excited to now have her as part of our little Jumbled family. We now have some of her prints and original art available in store and online...so check them out. I think that you will love them as much as we do here at Jumbled.

Antoinette took some time out from her painting to answer some questions about what inspires her art, home and style. Grab a cuppa and enjoy reading

Describe your perfect day

My perfect day….is usually a lazy morning brunch on a Sunday, cooking pancakes with my 5 & 7 year olds…...once we finally get dressed, a family outing together.  Simple pleasures like a walk along the local beach with our dog, fossicking in rock pools & finding beautifully coloured shells.  Or a spontaneous trip into town - Melbourne always has things to see & immerse yourself within.  Maybe a late afternoon glass of wine with my husband before we head home…..I love a Sunday night movie to switch off my mind and relax with my husband….

What inspires your art?

I find the sea very inspiring with it’s changing moods and colours.  Working with my children’s drawings reminds me of how well they interpret and capture the core of a subject, teaching me to return to simple and beautiful lines.  Art history, all forms of architecture and the natural world around me... 


Fave colour combo?

At the moment I’m drawn to peach & grey….but I love cobalt blue & black too….too hard to choose!

What do you think makes the perfect room?

Great lighting….It sets the mood and can create different energy within a space, bringing artworks to vibrant life or making them a soft conversation in the corner. 


Describe your style at home?

My family home is a mix of old and new - I think I’m drawn to a modern Scandinavian style.  I particularly enjoy the relaxed space of my front lounge room, with the fire, sheepskin throw on the armchair and the patterned rug.  I have one of my first paintings here to remind myself of the early ideas that helped form my current artistic style.  My family living and kitchen walls have my new artworks…..it’s a good way to get both positive feedback & constructive criticism from my family & friends - they are my most honest critics!

Mix or Match?

I mix with a hint of match….or maybe I match with a mix……ha!  I love patterns that work together with a mix of colour…..my Ninho designer towel collection hopes to achieve this once it arrives this December :)


Shop Antoinette Murray art here.

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Bed Head Inspiration

I was talking with some friends over Christmas about wanting to change the look of my bedroom. I want something that is impressive and inviting. One of my favourite things to do is relax in bed with the latest interior mags and a large plunger of coffee. I want to be surrounded by style and comfort but also something light and original.

Here is my favourite finds on Pinterest and some options we have in store for a fast and effective bedroom makeover!

I love the look of an upholstered bed head!

The amazing Family Love Tree upholstered bed head available from Jumbled here.

Imagine waking up under a fabulous feature pendant. Large Rattan Pendant in Jade available from Jumbled here. Peacock Bed Head in natural available from Jumbled here.

Images from That Bohemian Girl, Queen Alice Carved Timber Bed Head, The Interiors Addict, Jumbled Online

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Welcome To Our Entrance!

The entrance to your home should blow people away! O.k, that may be a little O.T.T but we are here to gently encourage (lecture) you on moving the muddy boots and bulky raincoats out of the road and inserting some serious style into the spot all your visitors are making their first impression of your house!

So, as recently mentioned, remove all old shoes, toys, junk mail and items you are planning on returning to people. This de-clutter will allow you to see the space clearly. Do you need a new console or buffet to help keep the area tidy? Or some baskets to put the shoes in? 

Is your entrance screaming out for a fab hall runner or rug to help define the space? 

We suggest placing an amazing artwork In your entry way. Every time you come into the house you will be reminded of how gorgeous your home is! 

Images from: Better Homes and Garden Blog, vt wonen, design sponge, The Diversion Project, dawanda, Spacecraft Jumbled, Fjeldborg, The Cool Hunter, Jumbled online

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Meet Ali McNabney-Stevens

Ali McNabney-Stevens is a Melbourne based British artist who earned her Honours Degree in Design and History of Art from Edinburgh College of Art in 1991. She furthered her studies in London at a number of St Martin’s Fine Art Summer Schools where she developed her passion for painting.

Over the years Ali’s versatility of style and courage as a painter has grown along with her confidence. There is a definite sense of self emerging in every new artwork that she creates…she has now made the move to full time painting. 

You may recognise Ali's style, she has had her paintings featured on Offspring and The Block. Ali has also been profiled in some of the leading Interior and Design magazines in Australia.

We are thrilled to have some of her paintings in store and available to our customers. We sat down with Ali and asked her a few questions about painting and life and I think we fell even more in love with her after hearing her answers!

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

Most recently and also if I am stuck I seem to sub consciously return to landscapes or images from my home in the UK. Industrial Harbour which is one of the images from my most recent limited edition print series was inspired by the Harland and Wolff ship building yard in Belfast. My most recent canvas Dee Street has come from the same place in my mind….big iconic yellow cranes and cold coloured concrete forms…. I am very very happy with them.

Do you like to surround yourself with certain things when you paint?

More often than not I don’t surround myself with anything other than the mess in my studio, I do however listen to ALOT of BBC Radio Four podcasts the most recent being ‘Great Lives’. The latest Great Life that I have been listening to has been John Steinbeck…. I lose myself in the radio and before I know it its lunch time and I have missed coffee.

What makes you happy?

The sense of achievement that I get from painting something that I am very proud of is happiness in the making but it doesn’t last long because I am onto the next painting and so on. Really good Tom Yum soup makes me very very happy too.

What is your best kept wardrobe secret?

I don’t know that I have one. I am forever trying things on and thinking ‘ why can’t that work with that’, those are too long, those are too tight, I must get a pair of those to work with that, I really need a bright pink one of those…so as you can see if someone has a good wardrobe secret I would like them to share it with me.

What's the thing you miss most about Britain?

Europe, London and easy access to my mother and friends.

Favourite song on your playlist at the moment?

Finlay Quaye/Beth Orton ‘Dice' and Kurt Vile ‘On Tour'

What do you consider your biggest creative achievement?

Biggest creative achievement has been to team up with my Manager Julia Green of Greenhouse Interiors and realise my long term dream of having a career that involves my artwork and is a full time business.


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The Perfect Guest Room

For those of you like us, who have regular family and friends visiting (or in my case babysitting) you will appreciate the need for a stylish, yet comfortable guest bedroom. The simplest things can make the biggest difference in a bedroom for example, a jar of gorgeous flowers next to the bed, some great design books to browse thorough in the early morning sun, or an antique map or original abstract to create a talking point.

Colourful bedding, a special cushion and some fun towels will complete your guest room and show your visitors you really appreciate their company!

If your visitors are the type who often arrive without much notice, have some quality faux flowers on standby to pop on the bedside table to add that extra special touch.

Images from mimi and me blog , apartment therapy, kip and co, 79ideasles ateliers, petit sweet, HGTVFancy design blog.

Shop online - jumbledonline.com

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