Meet Maddy!
We cannot wait to introduce you to the OH SO CLEVER 2021 JUMBLED Art Superstar finalist - Maddy Jovocic!! Maddy's whimsical, pastel pieces are like a breath of fresh air! Pour yourself a glass of wine, and get to know our newest artist!
When did your love of art begin?
This is a tough one to pin point! Probably since I was a child. My favourite activities always consisted of being creative; arts and crafts, finger painting and collage making! My Gran had a little arts table in her garage stocked with canvases, brushes and paints where she encouraged her grandchildren to get creative.
Where do you draw your inspiration from?
I gather inspiration from meals with family, past travels and manifestations of future travels. Nostalgia often plays a big role in the inspiration for my paintings.
What does your average day look like?
My days tend to start with a walk to my local cafe for either a hot or iced chocolate depending on the weather. I aim to get a little bit of movement everyday for my body and mental health whether that be a walk, yoga or a quick workout. Then I'll check my emails and get some admin done. Once that's done I can get to my favourite part, sketching new ideas, painting and getting my creative juices flowing.
When are you at your happiest?
I am my happiest when surrounded by family with good food, dancing and wine.

The Jumbled Quickie
The first thing you do when you have spare time: Catch up with friends!
Guilty pleasure: I don't believe in "guilty pleasures" but for the sake of the question… Sleeping in / Watching cartoons from my childhood / Week night cocktails
Dream Collaboration: Oooh my dream would be a collaboration with Jacquemus! Or someone closer to home like Holiday the Label!
Hidden Talent: Karaoke queeeeen
One thing from your bucket list: To publish a book with my artworks and collaborate with other inspiring creatives.
Go-to meal to cook when you have friends over? A grazing platter to start with some good cheeses, followed by a seasonal pasta dish paired with a chilled red wine.
Song that gets you on the dance floor: Two Boney M classics, "Sunny" & "Rasputin" such bangers! Or anything Abba! It's not a dance party without some 70's tunes.