Dangerous Females

At JUMBLED we are sick and tired of incidents of domestic violence against women in this country and we are wanting to make a meaningful contribution, a positive impact... or gosh, just a step in the right direction! We thought that we could do it in a beautiful way, through art! 
So we set our artists a challenge, to interpret the above photo of Jess’ office desk, featuring an arrangement by Come By Chance Flower Company. The results are OUTSTANDING.
100% of the sales from this exhibition will be donated to Dangerous Females - a charity who are on the mission to raise awareness and fund the organisations dedicated to supporting victims of violence and abuse. Thank you so much for your support!!!
We are so grateful to these generous artists who have donated their time and beautiful work:
Chris De Hoog
Emma Cleine
Jackie Anderson
Jess Conliffe
Kate Eliza
Kate Quinn
Kezz Brett
Lottie Rae
Nicole Donegan
Prudence De Marchi
Rachael Little
Rishelle Kent
Sarah Abbott
Whitney Spicer

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